If you have your own Blog, or If You are a Search Engine Optimizer (SEO), then This term You must have heard “Backlink Checker”. In this Post we have collected 3 of best “Backlink Checkers” which will help You to Find more about a Site linking.
They tell that “SEO is
a dirty game of Back links and Every Site needs them to get more Authority and
hence getting on top of search results. By using these tools, We can Improve our
search engine ranks. The best way to use them are researching the Follow
and Un-follow links, where are they coming from, can they be optimized
4 me or may be if it can make me aware of my competitors dirty SEO
tricks. There are many factors which can be taken into account while checking Back links.
A very popular and
accurate back link checker which is now powered by a hrefs. It works much faster
Firefox then Google chrome and Opera etc
Firefox then Google chrome and Opera etc
Open site explorer is
powered by SEOmoz which is one of the most popular SEO software, that has more
800 million links in the database.So now the next one is more special than
that those
3. Link-diagnosis – powered by Iacquire
Link diagnosis it
works better also in Firefox and in Google Chrome it does have some issues. But
still a great piece of back link checking Site
Hope You tried.
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