Thursday, 16 May 2013

Backup Your Files Online Without Charges


Google has announced today an expansion Ov its online storage efforts with the release Ov a “Save 2 Drive” button that can be add 2 any website and Sub-domain  allowing visitors 2 Hit and Save files hosted on the site 2 their personal “Google Drive Accounts”. The button is already being used by Big-stockDelta DentalFotoliaO’ReillyOut-box and Zen Payroll, Google notes.
To use the new feature as a website Owner, it’s only a matter Ov pasting a couple Ov lines code into your site’s “HTML”. The button is configured with a few attributes in a “div” tag, similar 2 how “Google’s” +1 button is created, the company says. There are a number of more advanced configurations, which Google explains in technical detail here, including support 4 the Save 2 Drive button’s JavaScript API, which allows 4 programmatic and more flexible controls Ov the buttons on your web pages.

Obviously the button works in the context of the user’s browser, allowing visitors 2 save files that require some form Ov “HTTP Authentication”. After Hitting the button, the file first downloaded to the user’s browser, then uploaded 2 “Google Drive”.
It’s a small utility, but it addresses a larger issue with using cloud storage:  2 move files found on the web 2 your personal online storage site; firstly you have to save those items to the desktop in an intermediary step between them. But in “Google’s Vision”, the desktop is moving away, and everything will be built on top Ov the “Web’s Platform” instead.
This is the most apparent in “Google’s Efforts” with its “Chrome OS” and Chrome Book Devices, including the newer, high-end Chrome Book Pixel, a flagship device meant 2 demonstrate the potential in a web-only machine.

“Google” has already made it easier for users to forget saving files to their computers in a number Ov products, including with Gmail, where optional links have long since allowed you to open standard file types without first download them. That feature today supports all the major attachments that people send (e.g. .pdf, .doc, .xls, .ppt, .rtf, .sxw, .sxc, .sxi, .sdw, .sdc, .sdd and .wml). Google Drive, however, supports an even wider range Ov file types, which will make the button useful 4 sharing the kinds Ov files that a website Owner may want 2 shares, such as videos, graphics, archives (.zip and .rar), markup and code and more
Hope you Tried it ever then just share you new net friends

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