Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Hack Facebook Accounts


Many Ov People are in this world They Talking About How to Hack a FB (Facebook 

Account)”. But IT’s not possible for a unaware person from the net because it’s too 

complicated to do that thing it’s only able for a person who have much knowledge about 

“HTML Coding” and “Professional in Information Technology”. But now a days “Hackers” 

trying to get a best and very easy way to that Hack The Facebook Account ov Friend. 

“FB (Facebook)” Pays the lot ov money to its “Security Employees” and then “Experts” to reduce the Easy way to Hacking the Accounts. But Hackers are So Advanced and working well in IT markets and They Got a trick to Hack “FB (Facebook)” Accounts. This is not a lie to you all and not funny at all!!

There are So many tricks available at net but it’s working bad at all totally fake Tricks I hav don’t interest in fake thing or trick etc.

STEP :01

Now let’s start begin here we are going to the misuse ov “FB (Facebook)” Account with Hacking. First ov all you have to create almost 3 fake “FB (Facebook)” Accounts then have to send a friend request’s from these 3 fake Accounts to “A Victim Or Enemy”. So Victim must accept your 3 Request ov these Accounts Or Contact with your Friend only who give you the “Security Code”. Now we can use   "The Three Trusted Friend" feature’s to reset a victims' “FB (Facebook) Account Password”

First you must Red the Note Mention Below,

Note: The 3 fake Accounts must be the 7 Day older, otherwise thiS “FB (Facebook) Hack wouldn’t work.

After doing this all, now you have ability to “Hack” your “Victim Friend’s FB (Face book) Account” easily so just follow these steps mention below

Step-by-Step Follow These Instructions “How to Hack FB (Facebook) Account.

STEP :02

Click on the “Forgot FB (Facebook) Password” button shown below. “FB (Facebook)” system will provide you the solutions to recover your or Victim password as mention below

STEP :03

Two Things Must Follow There

1. Email, Phone or Facebook Username
2. Your Name and A Friend’s Name

If you aware From this then Fill the requirments and hit the “Enter Button” Or If don’t Know about username just go to the “FB (Facebook) search Engine and get his/her username from there like mine


Copy just Libra.angell  
And paste in Email, Phone or FB (Facebook) username

STEP :04

After Doing this, Now You have to Hit On No Longer have access to these?”

STEP :05

Fill again the requirements to “New Email Address”

STEP :06

It Turns to ready to give an answer ov security question. If you know then write in the box mention below if you don’t know then attempt 3 time the security question

After these Submission or giving the wrong answers, then “FB (Facebook) Security” will show the Trusted Friends” feature for recover an Account
Then Hit the Continue button,

After ThiS It will ask you to select the 3 Friends (Now select Friend or your 3 Fake Account’s Name’s) from a shown list and then hit on the Continue button after each time you select the selection
After the done all step, then “FB (Facebook) sent the security codes to an each ov the 3 accounts which you have Created as a fake.

Now, go to “FB (Facebook) log in those 3 three Accounts which were created by you and ask from friend it’s manually security code then fill it with proper manner
Caution: Do misuse with that code it can create you more problems

STEP  :08

Last portion on that which you have added a new “Email” the “Password Reset Verification” recived on this so keep in mind Your Friend must be unaware from this mint It
Now You Can Open the Victim’s Account and Change the Email which he has added in his “FB (Facbook)” Account

Do not Misuse of this thing for your personal intention. This shows a major loophole in a ”FB (Facebook)” Security and then the Min Blowing techniques ov the SpiderRzzzz

Hope try it well manner
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