Monday, 24 June 2013

App Development of iPhone Home Screen


   How to Manage Apps on the iPhone Home Screen     
One of the most best interface in "iPhone" is that users have managing power to manage the apps on their "Home Screen" to get fill their needs and add to it the pages if more apps installed in cell you can manage with more pages as easy as you can.
You can sett or arrange  apps and uninstall in the "iPhone" itself just like higher apps 
(iOs 1.1.3 or another) and starting "iTunes 9" it's more simple to manage apps on the "iPhone Home Screen".

When you "Synchronize Your iPhone", "iTunes" make a folder name as "Application". This is where "iPhone Management Consist".

This tab shows you a both type file of all the "Apps" on your "Computer(PC)"(either they're installed in you iPhone or not), the pages of apps configuration auto in your iPhone. Every installed app have a check mark from other one.

You can sort "Apps" in your "Computer(PC)" by any name(just type in the field with magnifying glass in it), browse that apps by it's name by it's category or by it's downloaded date.

All Configured apps showing at the left-side column on Screen, there would be one or more page ready than you've got configured, this page will represented by a "Gray Square" so you can create another page.....!

Process of Installation/Uninstall

1: To Install your app that's in hard-drive not in your phone, just drag an icon from the list at the left side onto the image of the "iPhone Screen". you can set or rearrange to your app anywhere or you can drag it immediately to the pages on the column to the right side.

2:  To uninstall your app move your mouse over the app ans hit the "X" that appears on it.

Re-Ordering Apps

3: To re-order your apps, drag the icon on the image of the "iPhone Screen" to place you want to it.

Also drag apps between the pages

If you added an app that you don't want just move your mouse over the app and hit the "X" like uninstalling the apps.

After Re-arranging  the apps, now you can save it the changes with on "Apply" at the right side of the bottom of "iTunes Window" and your phone would Sync, replacing the changes.

Atricles Summary

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